Around the Galaxy: Luke O'Brien from NorthWoods Stewardship Center will be at The Galaxy on Saturday, May 15 at 4:00 to talk about the Center's new publication, Northeast Kingdom Mountain Trail Guide. After short talk, he will lead a walk on the Hardwick Trails.
Music Notes: Town-Wide Yard-Sale returns this Thursday. Their "thrash new timey folk" begins at 7:30.
Local Events: In collaboration with the Jeudevine Library, the Jeudevine Music School will present an evening of exploration into Haitian culture at the Hardwick Townhouse on May 7 from 6:30-9:00. For an $8 suggested donation, there will be films, Haitian educator Godfroy Boursiquot ("Gody") and a silent auction. For more information, contact Emily Lanxner at 472-5913.
Mother's Day is this Sunday. Join us for Blunch from 11-2 or dinner from 5-8. Reservations are encouraged and appreciated. Make a Blunch reservation and be entered to win a $25 gift certificate for your mom.